FILTER=100 MYSTORE If there is any serious interest in this project please send me an email and let me know you are interested.
I have built an extensive system for my own brick and mortar Car Stereo store
(River Oaks Car Stereo in Houston est 1990) and we have been using and improving upon for the last 20+ years.
If you want to try something new for your stores schedule, invoicing and accounting,
I can arrange a free trial.. If you want to learn more please let me know.
Log In Register Free Trial Schedule Invoice Vendors Employees Store Setup
Inventory Car Dealers POs Reports Vendors Employees Store Setup
Company Settings - Your Company settings are everything about your company - name address phone numbers and so on
Company Logo - Your Company logo can be uploaded and incorporated with invoicing and reports
Multiple stores - This system can easily wrk with multiple stores
Employee Manual - Upload your personel manual and store rules so your employees can review it anytime
Employee Management - Hire or Terminate employees, generate attendance reports, tardy reports, time off requests and so much more.. There are multiple security levels for each of your employees, Owner full privledges, store manager most privledges, book keeper certain things and so fourth. Each employee can have a level and each function can also have a custom level..
Time Clock - Password protected Time clock to log employees in or out
Customer Contacts - Optional Customer Contacts tracker - we use this to create a contact, either phone, email or walkin, we can track how the customer found us and from this record we can create an appointment or invoice faster. I also look back to see how many phone calls or how many emails / walkings we get every day and it is easy to review to make sure we handled each one the appropriatly.
Customer appointments - can save / print a workorder, and car inspections sheet, and can track installers time with tracking for the whole car and sub sections like
(installer1 - 20 mins - installed Headunit)
(installer2 - 15 mins - installed speakers)
(total time - 35 mins)
with plenty of note space available for this car details and lookup for future similar cars
Invoice -
Customer Database -
Inventory -
PO and ordering -
Receiving -
Inventory Database -
Accounting - too many reports to list (working one it)
Ledger and Acounts database -
Text Customer for appointment reminders or car pickup reminders -
Lots of employee options! The employee manual or Store manual is a very important part of any business, it lays out the company mission statement and all the rules, for employees and the company so no one is ever in the dark about policy. Normally the MANUAL is a button where anyone can read it at any time. The employee section allows you to add or terminate any employee, or write the employee a review, change hourly payrate or commision amounts. There is a system to keep up with employees advances, they always want to buy stuff for their own car or borrow $40 for the tool man. For the problem employees there are reports for employee absent or employee tardy, these come in handy if you have to reprimand an employee or if you have to have a chat with the labor board after employee is fired. There is also a provision for an employee to reqest time off, which a manager can approve or deny anytime. If the request is granted, there are reminders about the schedule change on the day of and on the cars schedule.

Software to Run my Store

MYSTORE is MY business management and point-of-sale system. The features are designed to automate, manage and track daily operations such as contacts, scheduling, work orders, invoices, inventory and receivables along with your installer and business performance and profitability.

employee changelog and have any changes, payroll, times late or days missed for arguing employment disputes

new dealer - name address phone fax email type account, notes, contacts, terms, billing
address, additional pricing rules ar terms, dealler id active, tax exempt, credit line,
available credit, apply payments, month to date, year to date,

new vendor - add email and txt to our current vendor list - also add last POS to vendor record

new lunch spot

PO - goto vendor, and creat PO for approval

For new invoice, new contact, or even a po, there is a javasccript app to ask for
username (password) cool pop up

schedule screen pop up

misc item can have cost associated with it

once appointment is saved, it lists our install parts associated with thqt car

inventory item - have a type? like head, speakers, amps, processors, screws, kits, ???

pricing - list, retail, system, dealer, jobber, online, cost, average cost, spiff,
temp price - max stock, and reorder qty - defect rate and defective tracking - linked to vendor PO page


To start off, we have developed an extensive contacts sysytem, it is designed to log every contact you get! If you get an email, phone call, od walkin click the new contact button and enter it, along with your response and lots of notes. If you have a walk in click the new contact button and log the customer, name, phone, car, how he found you and so on, as much or as little as you want to. When you go to log a contact, you will see the previous contacts and can search them.. for instance, if you get a phone call, log that contact, then when the customer comes in the store, you log him again as a walk in, every time you have contact with this customer it links all the contacts together.. You can watch the eveolution, the customer called twice, he wanted new speakers, your employees recomended speakers, gave him a price and told him to consider a new radio as well.. Next time he calls, you can see what has transpired, and he is now asking about that new radio. Next time you make contact he is walking in your store to meet you.. you set him an appointment time to do the job.. Next contact is when he comes in for the job

When you are ready to make the sale or schedule an appointment, the contacts system allows you to start an invoice or appointment populated from and linked to the previous contacts with all of your employees that participated and all the things said and negotiated up till now.

The contacts system also allows for one employee to refer the contact to another employee, for instance if I take a call about radar detectors and my radar detector expert is with another customer, I can fill in the notes and have my expert call them back with a full page of extensive notes later.


adding items to invoice, ANYTHING... if not a valid item then the item is RED, if not in stock item is BLUE, if on order item is COLOR if item is good to go item is COLOR and only after all items on invoice are NORMAL can invoice be closed out. instead of calling invoice an invoice, maybe we need to make all contacts a contact or transaction, including purchases and exchanges and warranty different txt settings for invoices, quotes, repairs and so on - proforma, dealer, estimate, layaway, credit card, satellite radio, basicly terms and conditions employee positions, owner, store manager, key holder, sales, shop manager, installer, sales trainee, install trainee, store helper, shop helper, buyer, marketing, web person, book keeper, and so on END OF DAY REPORTS - closeout. reports - END OF DAY - END OF MONTH - cust history by zip, mailing labels, efered by report, floow up report, gift certificate suppery, invoice status, invoice notes, invoice payment report, invoice recap report, invoice transaction report, layaway status report, non taxes sales report, sales tax collected, scheduled appointments, MyStore is our business management and point-of-sale system. The features are designed to automate, manage and track daily operations such as scheduling, work orders, invoices, inventory and receivables along with your installer and business performance and profitability.

History of the Evolution

In the mid 90s, I was cohersed into buying the TSS software, it was very expensive and I even had to finance the large purchase. I thought I was buying a program and ongoing tech suppert, however they started eating me away with renewal fees.. The program (in DOS back then) was exteemly complex and hard to work, it was not intuitive at all. I hired a new store manager that had used the TSS program at a previous place he worked and that was a big help.. I have always been a computer guy, and I just couldn't understand why the program was so hard to learn and control.. Over the years I was well known at that company (TSS) for my complaining about the stupid program.

When the year 2000 (Y2K) came around, the world was scared to death that the power grid would fail, airplanes would crash and basicly ALL computers would fail because of the old school computer calendars never thought we would make it to the year 2000.. Well the first day I came to work after the new year, everything seemed fine, it was all so much worry about nothing... then go to open the store, fire up the computer, and you guessed it TSS failed.. so yeah, the ONLY thing that failed was my TSS program to run my store.

Near that time they changed from a DOS version to a window version, the old DOS program had some keyboard shortcuts to change pages and to change calendar (schedule) days (I think it was simply plus and minus to change days).. Well the windows version lost the keyboard shortcuts and you had to fiddle with the mouse to change pages and it was a little bit harder, and we were used to the old way.. My complaint ended with why not BOTH.. They insisted this is windows, you cant use shortcuts, you have to use the mouse. (MORONS!)

Being an old programmer from the 70s and 80s, I decided to whip out my old programming editor and I created a nice little calendar, schedule, that could use either keyboard OR mouse pointer.. I sent them a copy, they just ignored me.

For my own store, I finally refused to renew the program and send them any more money.. I posted this web page about the TSS product.

I already had a computerized collection of my individual car stereo / alarm installation notes and a computerized customer list, so I started writing my own software with simple invoices, then customer database, cars database, and schedule.. Then the extensive backend..