Typical Installers tool list
This is a basic list that most professional installers would have. This list does not include the bigger tools such as air compressors, table saws, audio oscillators, oscilloscopes, mig welders, plasma cutters, and giant tool
- 1/4 drive metric deep and short sockets
- 1/4 drive American deep and short sockets
- 3/8 American sockets
- 3/8 Metric sockets
- Adjustable wrenches
- Allen wrenches Metric and US (from very small to very large)
- Antenna connector crimpers ( for coax connectors)
- Antenna tools 2 and 4 prong
- Assorted Jumper Leads
- Awl (large and very small)
- Battery speaker tester
- BMW 5 sided Allen wrench for radio removal
- C-Clamps
- Car Battery tools
- CDs and Cassettes for testing
- Channel Locks
- Console Covers (cloth to keep console from being scratched)
- Crimpers (serious crimpers only)
- Cutters (assortment)
- Door spring clip remover
- Door panel puller tools (several types)
- Dremmel type grinding tool
- Drill bits
- Ear protection
- Eye Protection
- Fender Covers (to prevent fender scratches)
- Files (flat, round and triangle files)
- First aid kit (bandaids, always have bandaids)
- Flathead regular size
- Flathead small
- Flathead Large
- Fluke Meter (or some kind of VTVM)
- Ford radio removal tool
- Hack saw
- Hammers
- Hook tool
- Hot glue gun
- Long grabber tool
- Makita power screw driver
- Needle nose pliers
- Open end wrenches
- Phillips #2
- Phillips Large
- Phillips #0
- Phillips #1
- Pliers
- Precision measuring devices for very fine measurements
- Punches
- Ratchets and extensions
- Saber saw
- Soldering Iron and solder
- Square for woodworking and box building
- Strippers
- Tape Measure
- Test light
- Test probes
- Test speaker
- Three wing driver (chrysler radio)
- Tin Snips
- Torx set (from very small to very large 6 to 45)
- Under dash light
- Utility knife with sharp blades
- Very short Phillips #2 and #1
- Vise Grips
- X-acto knifes with sharp blades
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